Benediction TO GET Soul Mate

Aminkan prayer is that we are soon given a soul mate husband and wife are pious and solehah

Prayer To Obtain Houses - For Girls

"Allahumma inni uriidu an atazawwaja, allahumma faqoddirlii minarrijali ahsanuhum kholqon wakhulqon, wa awsa'ahum rizqon, aa'zhomahum barokatan, warzuqni waladan thoyyiban taj'aluhu fakhron FII Aati hay wafawzan ba'da mautii''

'' Oh God I want to get married. Ya Allah ordain for me the most handsome guy and moral way, that the most widely sustenance, that most blessed and grant me good boy that you make it as boasting in the days of my life and after my death'' success

Prayer To Obtain Houses - For Men

'' Allahumma inni uriidu an atazawwaja, Allahumma faqoddirli minannisaai a'affahunna farojan, wa ahfazhohunna lii FII nafsiha wafii Maali, wa wa awsa'ahunna rizqon a'zhomahunna barokatan, waqoddirli minhaa waladan thayyiban taj'aluhu kholfan shoolihan wa fi hayaati ba'da mauti''

'' Oh God I want to get married. Ya Allah ordain for me a woman who is most noble honor, which most keep him for me and for my treasure, which most widely sustenance, that most blessed, and ordain for me her good boy who
You make it as my successor in the future that pious life and after my death .. ... Amin yes Rabbal 'alamiin

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